Attendance Procedures
• Send a parent note or a doctor's note with your child within 3 days of returning to school to receive an excused absence. If you have access to a printer, feel free to use the absence note template.
*** Tardies and early check-outs will count against Perfect Attendance.
• When a student arrives after the tardy bell has rung, a parent/guardian must escort the student to the office.
If the student arrives at school after 10:20 a.m., he/she will be reported as absent. The absence will be excused if he/she has been to the doctor prior to arriving at school; however, the student must present a note from the doctor. Although the absence will be excused for state attendance purposes, the child will not be eligible for the campus Perfect Attendance Award.
• Checking the student out prior to dismissal time should be reserved for doctor’s appointments and family emergencies and should be done prior to 3:15pm. Although the early out will be excused for state attendance purposes, the child will not be eligible for the campus Perfect Attendance Award
• Only people listed by the parent on the Emergency Contact Form will be allowed to remove the student from campus. No Exceptions.
• Failure to pick students up at dismissal in a timely manner could result in request of assistance from the local law authorities.
For more in-depth information regarding student attendance, please refer to the following Board Policies:
- FEA (Legal) Compulsory Attendance
- FEA (Local) Compulsory Attendance
- FEC (Legal) Attendance for Credit
- FEC (Local) Attendance for Credit
- FED (Legal) Attendance Enforcement
Attendance Clerk
Absence Note Template
You may either handwrite your child's absence note or use the template form linked below, but students must turn in a signed, hard copy to the attendance clerk:
Absence Note Template