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Campus Visitors

We invite you to come eat lunch with your child or attend awards ceremonies and parties. However, student safety is always our first priority, so we have established a few guidelines for our campus visitors:


  • Lunch visitors must be on the student's emergency contact list to eat lunch with a student.
  • Once lunch is over, we ask that all visitors proceed directly to the office area.  Visitors will not be allowed to walk back to classrooms or other instructional areas to avoid disruptions.
  • A photo ID must be presented and scanned through our District's visitor management Raptor System.
  • A visitor badge must be worn at all times while on campus.


  • 2 adult visitors only per student. No children ages 0-17.
  • Visitors must have a valid photo ID and be on the student's Emergency Contact list in Skyward.  
  • Badge must be worn at all times while on campus.

For more information on Visitor Policies and Procedures, please refer to Board Policy GKC(Legal) and GKC(Local)